Facts about COVID-19 and how to prevent getting coronavirus

Facts about COVID-19 and how to prevent getting coronavirus

A person why is informed and knows what to do to prevent getting the coronavirus and is also informed what to do when he/she gets the coronavirus is a very strong person in society. Read this blog post and also be strong and informed and ahead of the rest. Share this article with people who are not yet as well informed as you.

Facts about the Coronavirus COVD-19

  • Let’s start with the most important fact: The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) complaints. Almost all deaths involve the elderly or other vulnerable persons, such as heart, lung or diabetes patients. If everyone complies with the measures, this reduces their risks.
  • The coronavirus mainly spreads through sneezes and cough drops. The virus can be transmitted directly from person to person or (for a limited time) through surfaces such as door handles.
  • You can considerably reduce the chance of spreading by keeping distance from other people in queues, let’s say 1 meter away from other people.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. Precautions are necessary to contain this.

How to prevent getting Coronavirus?

Well as you read above, the Coronavirus is annoying and could be dangerous, however there are easy ways, cheap and safe to prevent the Coronavirus from getting at all. Check out our Coronavirus Medications including: Ivermectin, Stromectol, Zithromax, Plaquenil, Aralen, Barikind, Barilip, Barinat, Fapivir, Molnunat, Baricitnib, Molnupiravir too. Let’s sum the preventions up.

  • Live healthy, Eat Healthy
  • Eat Vitamins! Every day take 2x vitamin C
  • Take enough “zinc” every day and if not, take zinc tablets
  • Don’t drink alcohol, this will reduce the immune system
  • Don’t drink too much coffee, 1 -2 cups a day will do. Drink more drinks with vitamins inside like juice or simple water.
  • Do sports, this will boost the immune system.
  • Sleep enough, at least 8 hours a day on a regular basis.
  • Don’t smoke. This is in general bad, but corona virus especially vulnerable for the throat and lungs, so avoid smoking.
  • Don’t meet people who are coughing and if you do, take extra dose of vitamins.
  • Clean your hands regularly.


Don’t let the media and politicians make you crazy. The facts about the Coronavirus speak for itself. Secondly if you live healthy and smart then there is almost no chance you gonna get the Coronavirus at all, or if you get it you hardly notice it. And if you get COVID-19, make sure you have the medications with you listed in our COVID-19 meds.